Dignity Health Facilities Remove Plastic Straws, Stirrers from Cafeterias

Working in a Catholic Hospital it's inspiring to see what other hospitals are doing across the country to help protect the Earth. I found this article on Catholic Health World and wanted to share a great campaign on banning plastic straws in cafeterias!  A Girl Scout is the catalyst behind budding 'just say no' to... Continue Reading →

Christmas on the MS Gulf Coast

This year for Christmas we traveled south to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to spend the holiday with Cameron's family. We had a wonderful fun time visiting with family, playing at parks, watching movies, eating delicious food and creating special memories together! Fun was had for all at Front Beach. While Cameron and his dad decided... Continue Reading →

The Baby Jesus Book

For the past couple of months, I had been searching for a nativity scene suitable for a toddler to play with, but one not made from plastic. Well, I finally found the perfect set made from felt and wood! It's beautiful, small and one that will not completely fall apart when my toddler moves the... Continue Reading →

Green Tips for Your Home

There are lots of actions we can do in our homes to play our part in reducing landfill waste, cleaning the air, and preserving the natural landscape. Being environmentally friendly is also good economics in our home, budget and with the Earth. Green energy efficient homes leave smaller carbon footprints on the Earth and on... Continue Reading →

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