Wellness Wednesday: Don’t Fall For the “Healthy Halo” Effect


Image result for bowl of oatmeal with fruit and nuts

Research shows items you perceive as healthy are often consumed in higher amounts,
known as the “health halo” effect. For example, you buy low-fat cookies and eat three
instead of one because you feel you can afford to eat more. Here are four examples of
how your perception and clever marketing could be sabotaging your diet.

  1. Instead of eating burgers and fries, you choose a fresh, whole wheat
    sandwich. Since you made the healthier choice, it makes it easier to
    rationalize high fat condiments, dessert and a sugary beverage. By
    the time your order is placed, the 300 calorie sandwich is now an
    800 calorie meal.
  2. Foods labeled as organic have the “halo effect” if you disregard the
    calories and eat unlimited amounts.
  3. Healthy snacks like nuts or trail mix can be problematic. You may be
    likely to eat even more if it’s labeled “organic healthy snack.”
  4. Studies show people eat higher amounts of low-fat and sugar-free
    foods compared to traditional versions. Especially dangerous are
    foods like low-fat crackers, baked chips and sugar-free candy.

15 to 20 % is the amount of additional calories consumed when people eat foods labeled as organic!

What can you do to avoid falling for the “health halo” effect? Avoid the
rationalization trap! See the food for what it is and look at nutrition labels
to understand what and how much you are truly eating.

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