Wellness Wednesday: Motivate a Friend or Family Member to be Healthier!

Having a friend or family member to support lifestyle change is a great way to stay motivated and keep healthy goals!

Image result for friends on a hike

Going overboard on trying to force someone eat better, work out more, or alter their lifestyle in some other way may actually backfire, making people less likely to change and even impairing your relationships. Do your best to encourage, join in, and reward healthier habits your friends and loved ones are trying out.

Try these tips when encouraging healthy habits:

  • Be a role model. Practice what you preach while supporting others on their health journey.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Team up and bond over exercise.
  • Encourage and celebrate small changes.
  • Be forgiving. Change takes time.

There is no doubt that making changes for the better requires commitment, and there may be times when your friends and family feel uninspired or unmotivated. Know that you will encounter those moments and set them up for success by implementing tools and strategies that will keep them moving, even when the going gets tough!


(Resources from Healthy Lives)

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