30 Day Eco-Friendly Challenge

Image result for eco friendly challenge

Over the span of 30 days choose one challenge each day to start taking steps towards an Eco-Friendly lifestyle!

Challenge 1: No More Straws

Challenge 2: Be Conscious of What You Buy

Challenge 3: Reusable Water Bottles

Challenge 4: Buy Local Produce

Challenge 5: Get Receipts Emailed

Challenge 6: Use Reusable Bags

Challenge 7: Reusable Mugs

Challenge 8: Turn Off The Lights

Challenge 9: Learn What to Recycle and Start Recycling

Challenge 10: Setup a Compost at Home

Challenge 11: Eco-Friendly Transportation

Challenge 12: Shorter Showers

Challenge 13: Reusable Shopping Bags

Challenge 14: Donate Clothing you no Longer Want or Need

Challenge 15: Purchase Sustainable Products

Challenge 16: Buy Secondhand Goods

Challenge 17: Hang Clothes to Dry

Challenge 18: Buy in Bulk

Challenge 19: Pack a Picnic

Challenge 20: Plant a Tree

Challenge 21: Buy a Plant

Challenge 22: Teach Your Children about Sustainability

Challenge 23: Walk if You Can Instead of Drive

Challenge 24: Go for a Bike Ride

Challenge 25: Use Eco-Friendly Supplies

Challenge 26: Don’t Waste Water

Challenge 27: Pick up Litter at the Park

Challenge 28: Learn about Zero Waste

Challenge 29: Read Environmental Sustainability Books

Challenge 30: Educate Others on Going Green!

“It’s only one straw” said eight billion people. The smallest object, step or idea can have the biggest effect in change. If everyone picked one action to try from this list it would make a huge difference in our world and benefit many.

Image result for it's only one straw

To me every day is Earth Day. It’s the way I view the world around me and the way I live day to day! I also think of Going Green as fun! Naturally there are days when I forget my reusable shopping bags or accidentally throw away an item that should have been recycled but for the most part I strive to live Eco-Friendly. God gave us an amazing and beautiful Earth to live on. Let’s each take the challenge to implement sustainability initiatives in our lives and be kinder to our home!



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