Hope Alive


It’s times like the present when we wonder if God is listening to our prayers. Does He hear our thoughts and concerns? Why is He silent when so much panic and chaos is sweeping though our nation and states? I don’t know, but I do know God has not abandoned us. It’s okay to ask questions, in fact bring them to God. God is understanding and when the time is right He will answer.

Sunday at church Bryant preached about ways to discover hope when it seems hope is lost and panic is taken over. He referenced the book Psalms 77: 5-20. Throughout these verses hope is mention multiple times.

How to find Hope when God is silent:

  • Remember God’s Past Faithfulness – Psalms 100:5 His faithfulness last through all generations. When was the last time you remember God’s faithfulness in your life. An effective tool is to write down a list of all the times in your life where God has been faithful. You can look back on the list and see all the times God has blessed you!
  • Recognize God’s Ways are Higher – Exodus 15:11, Isaiah 55:8-9 His understandings are incomparably greater than ours. This reminds me of my all most 3 year old, she feels invincible and believes she knows everything but as a child she still needs guidance from her parents to help her on her way.
  • Reflex on God’s Power Over all Things – Exodus 14:31 Remember the God who is with us now is the same God who in the book of Exodus parted the Red Sea for the Moses and the Israelites. The waves and wind still obey Him.
  • Rest in the Hope of God’s Redemption – Psalms 77:15, Ephesians 1:18-20 God redeem us from a life of sin and death, so we may know the glory and hope of Him.

If you are feeling scared and anxious, know you are not alone. God is here with us in this moment and through it all! Hope is Alive.

If you would like to listen to the Hope Alive series from my church click on the link below.

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