Wellness Wednesday: Walk Your Way to Better Health

Walking is the perfect low impact activity to help improve your health! The American Heart Association recommends thirty minutes of brisk walking every day. A daily swift stroll can add up to the recommended 150 minutes of moderate physical activity you need every week.

To get your steps in take a walk around your neighborhood or local park. If you are not a fan of walking outdoors in the heat hit the treadmills at the gym or take breaks from your desk and walk around the office. Every step counts towards better mental and physical health!

Why You Should Walk Outside for Better Sleep

Here are several reasons to walk your way to better health!

  • Improves your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • Walking can strengthen the muscles in your legs. Walking up hill or taking the stairs can build more strength.
  • Enhances your balance and coordination.
  • Taking a stroll can help you burn calories and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Walking can aid in protecting joints, including your knees and hips.
  • If you walk at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week you can reduce your risk for coronary heart disease by about 19 percent.
  • Walking represents an excellent way to make a significant change in type 2 Diabetes.
  • Talking a walk can boost your mood, energy and relieve stress.

Grab your sneakers and hit the pavement for a brisk walk that enhances your overall health!

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