Wellness Wednesday: Take a Break from Sitting and Reap the Benefits of Standing!

Stand up at work – literally – for better health - Dayton Business ...

Prolonged sitting can be bad for your health and tough on your body! People who sit for long periods of time every day have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and early death. You burn fewer calories sitting, and studies have linked it to weight gain and obesity. If you have back pain or joint pain it could be from a sedentary lifestyle.

It’s important for us to move and not sit still for long periods throughout the day. We need to stand up, be more active and take breaks from all the sitting!

Here are tips to increase movement during the day and the benefits of standing!

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator. You will get extra steps in and a workout too.
  • Stand and take a stretching break about every hour. Make a note or set a reminder on your phone to help you remember.
  • If you’re going to the supply room for paper, make the journey a little longer.
  • Park far away from the building.
  • Walk to a coworker’s desk rather than email or call.
  • Standing improves your posture and encourages mobility.
  • Standing can improve your breathing by allowing the chest to be fully open, giving full facility to the diaphragm you will breath calmer and more regularly.
  • When standing your productivity increases 15 percent.
  • Certain tasks are done faster when standing. You will be surprised how much faster simple and routine tasks can be done standing.
  • 5 minutes of standing can increase your metabolism.
  • Try a standing desk at work. They are becoming more popular and come in a variety of styles. If you prefer to walk and work at the same time, there are treadmill desk available.

It’s time to take a stand for better health!

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