Guard Your Heart

Heart symbol - Wikipedia

What you get out of your body directly relates to what you put in it!

These days we are very aware of the benefits of healthful foods and the negative effects of unhealthy foods on our bodies. That doesn’t mean we eat right all the time, but at least we know how.

If all you had to worry about was keeping your physical body healthy, then you could concentrate completely on the food you put into your mouth. But your body has a spiritual dimension as well, and you can feed it with unhealthful sights and sounds. If you deliberately listen to negative words and words that contradict what God wants for you, then negative things are going to come out of you. If you choose to view unhealthful sights, your spiritual body will suffer. Above all else, guard your ears and your eyes. Just as your mouth is the gateway to your body, they are the gateway to your heart.

As you start this week be mindful of the sights and sounds around you. Guard your heart from the negative distractions that take your focus from God!

“Your eye is a lamp for your body. A pure eye lets sunshine into your soul.” Matthew 6:22

Resource: Keeping God in the Small Stuff by Bruce and Stan

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