All Natural Plant Fertilizer from Banana Peels

My family and I eat a good many bananas every week and I usually toss the peels in my compost. When my plants need a pick me up, I collect the peels and make a banana water fertilizer for the garden and for my indoor plants!

Health benefits of banana peels | Daily Family NG

Bananas contain vital nutrients like potassium, phosphorus and calcium. All of these are beneficial to plants! Potassium helps your plants move water and nutrients between cells. It strengthens the stems of your plants and defends them from disease. It also helps the flowering process. Phosphorus is essential for good root and shoot growth. Banana peels, in addition, contain calcium, which helps plants take up more nitrogen, which many potassium loving plants need.

This super easy and free fertilizer reduces food waste. It’s also an all natural alternative to many plant fertilizers.

Banana Water Fertilizer

  • Soak a fresh banana peel in water for a day or two in a glass jar with a lid.
  • Then use the water with the leached nutrients in it to water your plants!

Your plants will be extremely satisfied with the extra nutrients they receive from this all natural fertilizer!

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