Guard Your Heart

What you get out of your body directly relates to what you put in it! These days we are very aware of the benefits of healthful foods and the negative effects of unhealthy foods on our bodies. That doesn't mean we eat right all the time, but at least we know how. If all you... Continue Reading →

Wellness Wednesday: Take a Break from Sitting and Reap the Benefits of Standing!

Prolonged sitting can be bad for your health and tough on your body! People who sit for long periods of time every day have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and early death. You burn fewer calories sitting, and studies have linked it to weight gain and obesity. If you have back pain or... Continue Reading →

Wellness Wednesday: Lighten Up with Laughter

We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine but did you know it can have health benefits too? Laughter can rewire our mental state and improve our daily function! It can assist with pain, alter a mood and help connect us with others. Lighten up your day and mood with a hearty laugh. Here are a few ways laughter... Continue Reading →

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