Wellness Wednesday: 5 Reasons to Beat the Soda Habit

Did you know it takes 30 minutes of brisk walking to equal the calories of one 12-ounce can of soda? Choose your drinks wisely and be mindful of the drinks you consume. You might be adding unwanted calories and sugar into your body. On top of the sugar and calorie overload, sugary drinks do not... Continue Reading →

30 Day Eco-Friendly Challenge

Over the span of 30 days choose one challenge each day to start taking steps towards an Eco-Friendly lifestyle! Challenge 1: No More Straws Challenge 2: Be Conscious of What You Buy Challenge 3: Reusable Water Bottles Challenge 4: Buy Local Produce Challenge 5: Get Receipts Emailed Challenge 6: Use Reusable Bags Challenge 7: Reusable... Continue Reading →

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