Savvy Ways to Make Your Family’s Life a Little Greener

Here are several terrific ideas to get the whole family involved in creating a greener lifestyle! Go on a hike/ visit a park - If you want your kids to one day be grownups who care about nature, get them outside. We love the outdoors and every year my family takes a trip to a... Continue Reading →

Save with Energy Star Home Office and Electronics

Many people work from home at least one day per week. Working from home saves energy and time by cutting out the commute, but it may increase your home energy bills unless you use energy-saving office equipment. ENERGY STAR-labeled office equipment is widely available. It can provide dramatic energy savings— as much as 90% savings... Continue Reading →

Your Home’s Energy Use

A home energy assessment (sometimes referred to as an energy audit) will show what parts of your house use the most energy and suggest the best ways to cut energy costs. You can conduct a simple home energy assessment by doing it yourself (DIY) or, for a more detailed assessment, contact your local utility or... Continue Reading →

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