Easter is Around the Corner

Easter is right around the corner and Good Friday just days away! Easter is more than just egg hunts, pretty dresses, and time with family. It is the celebration of the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ! Because of His sacrifice and grace, our sins are forgiven, and we have the privilege of receiving abundant joy for... Continue Reading →

God’s Whisper

If you aren't hearing the voice of God your life may be too noisy! People often wonder if God ever speaks in a voice we can hear. Absolutely! There are times when God speaks through other people in order to tell us something. And sometimes God will speak directly to us. So how do we... Continue Reading →

Use for the Purpose Intended

The person with an unread Bible has no advantage over the person who doesn't own one! You would laugh if someone expressed belief in a "lucky" rabbit's foot dangling from their keychain. Okay maybe you wouldn't laugh, but we are pretty sure that you would snicker! Why? Because "good luck charms" are foolishness and offer... Continue Reading →

Guard Your Heart

What you get out of your body directly relates to what you put in it! These days we are very aware of the benefits of healthful foods and the negative effects of unhealthy foods on our bodies. That doesn't mean we eat right all the time, but at least we know how. If all you... Continue Reading →


Peace was the topic of my devotion this morning and it went right along with a notion I have been having the last few days so I thought I would share! If you are seeking peace, you might start by consulting the Prince of Peace. To the world, the concept of peace implies the absence... Continue Reading →

Hope Alive

It's times like the present when we wonder if God is listening to our prayers. Does He hear our thoughts and concerns? Why is He silent when so much panic and chaos is sweeping though our nation and states? I don't know, but I do know God has not abandoned us. It's okay to ask... Continue Reading →

A Princess in the Woods

Last Friday the weather was nice so we decided to take a walk around our neighborhood trail. Cameron has been working from home the last few weeks because of COVID-19 and I am off on Fridays. We were tired of being in the house practicing social distancing and needed to be around nature, a leisure... Continue Reading →

Nothing Else

When I woke up this morning the song Nothing Else by Cody Carnes was automatically stuck in my head. I must have been dreaming of the words or melody or maybe the meaning to the lyrics. I did not mind the earworm that was created; it's a passionate song I enjoy and one I could... Continue Reading →

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