
Peace was the topic of my devotion this morning and it went right along with a notion I have been having the last few days so I thought I would share! If you are seeking peace, you might start by consulting the Prince of Peace. To the world, the concept of peace implies the absence... Continue Reading →

Plant Spotlight: Green and Yellow Coleus

I picked up this pretty green and yellow Coleus at Lowes a few weeks ago and it brought a burst of liveliness to the back patio! Coleus are tropical plants, native to areas bordering the equator but grow well in any warm area with partial shade. Growing and Water Tips: Coleus are not frost tolerant,... Continue Reading →

Wellness Wednesday: Lighten Up with Laughter

We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine but did you know it can have health benefits too? Laughter can rewire our mental state and improve our daily function! It can assist with pain, alter a mood and help connect us with others. Lighten up your day and mood with a hearty laugh. Here are a few ways laughter... Continue Reading →

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