Wellness Wednesday: Healthy Holiday Eating Tips!

The average American gains one to two pounds during the holiday season. It may not sound like a lot of weight, but the pounds can add up year after year. Celebrate in moderation and enjoy the food you eat with no guilt! Here are several tips to maintain your weight this holiday season: Eat fruits... Continue Reading →

Wellness Wednesday: Goodnight Sleep Tight! Tips for a Better Night’s Rest

Not much can beat a good night's rest! It can be detrimental to your mental and physical health. Not enough sleep can take a severe toll on your daytime energy, productivity, emotional balance, and even your weight. Here are several tips to help you get the best ZZZ's! Tips to For a Better Nights Rest Create... Continue Reading →

Wellness Wednesday: Lighten Up with Laughter

We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine but did you know it can have health benefits too? Laughter can rewire our mental state and improve our daily function! It can assist with pain, alter a mood and help connect us with others. Lighten up your day and mood with a hearty laugh. Here are a few ways laughter... Continue Reading →

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