All Natural Plant Fertilizer from Banana Peels

My family and I eat a good many bananas every week and I usually toss the peels in my compost. When my plants need a pick me up, I collect the peels and make a banana water fertilizer for the garden and for my indoor plants! Bananas contain vital nutrients like potassium, phosphorus and calcium.... Continue Reading →

Soap-suds and Smiles, Top Plant Based Shampoo for Kids

When it comes to products I use on my toddler's skin I am extremely cautious about the ingredients! Lately, my daughter has been in the habit of drinking her bath water. I don't know how this routine started but it's has been a chore to convince her to stop! Thankfully I use plant based shampoos... Continue Reading →

An Easy Technique to Dry Fresh Herbs

Herbs add excellent flavor to any dish! They are easy to grow and have an aromatic scent that fills the air with fresh fragrance. I've got mint growing right now in my back flower bed and I love running my hands through the leaves to smell the refreshing scent! Drying fresh herbs is a simple... Continue Reading →

Easy DIY Streak-Free Window Cleaner

This quick homemade vinegar cleaner is a winner! It's effortless to make, cheap and works excellent; what a remarkable combination?! One of my Green Goals at home is to cut back on harsh and toxic chemicals while cleaning. I also want to use cleaners that are safe for toddlers. Unfortunately, most of the cleaning products... Continue Reading →

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