5 Clever Planters from Repurposed Kitchen Items

The other day I came across an article on HGTV.com about repurposing items from the kitchen into a witty container garden! The ideas were creative and a prime example of how to reuse an object instead of tossing it into the trash! Repurposing represents an environmentally preferred alternative to other waste management methods. Reusing items also... Continue Reading →

10 Good Ideas to Help Avoid Food Waste!

With the price of groceries constantly rising, I'm always open for tips and ideas on ways to not waste food. My family and I eat a lot of fruits and vegetable and at times it can be a challenge to consume the produce before they start to spoil! Here are 10 easy tips to help... Continue Reading →

Ideas for an Eco-Friendly Bedroom

An Eco-Friendly bedroom not only supports the environment but it also helps your health and wellbeing! With all the sustainable materials, brands and various styles there are many ways to design a stylish bedroom with low environmental impact! Here are few ideas to create an Eco-Friendly bedroom: Organic Bedding: For the Eco-Friendliest bedding, material should always... Continue Reading →

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